Monday, May 30, 2011


In my almost 27 years of existence, I surrounded by people who are religious. I grown up praying the rosary, knowing God and his miracles.  My Mom was our first teacher when it comes to values education.  Prayer is part of my life.  I was enrolled in one of the prestigious and religious school in our place. Now I'm following my Mom's footsteps in joining some religious organization. I'm glad I was accepted in the society.  I'm aware that the catholic church is fighting to demolished the RH BILL.  Every one is entitled in their opinion right? Well, as a citizen of the Republic of the Philippines I stand to pursue the RH BILL because it's not to promote abortion.  We are over populated that's why we experience poverty, unemployment even those who graduated from degree courses, those children who doesn't have food to eat in their table,and it will help our country to prevent crimes.  And its primary goal is to Provide for a Comprehensive Policy on Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development, and For Other Purposes.

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