Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Poor Bird

I was sweeping outside our store until I notice this one dead bird. My neighbor has 15 love birds. I confirm that this is their bird. I ran inside our house to get my cellphone and shovel that I will going to used to bury this bird.

Dead Bird



Dead Bird placing in the hole

Wherever you go Bird..You're memories be with us.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Sweetie

I would like to thank that I have nominated you for the Butterfly Award on my blog. Congratulations with this, your blog deserves it

Hugs and kisses

lemuel said...

Hi, i worked before at Haribon Foundation and this is the first time i met someone from your place. Can you post or send me pictures of unique animals and plants near your place? It might end up in the organiation's quarterly magazine. Or you could write the editors about your place. Thanks! Can you visit my site as well and leave a comment? http://mhaileon.blogspot.com